Archive for July, 2008

Exclusive Interview with Liz Lynch, The World’s Best Networker

Smart Networking bookThe International Association of MBAs is all about making connections.  That’s why I was so excited to land an interview with Liz Lynch, Author of Smart Networking: Attract a Following In Person and Online. I met Liz a few years ago at the Texas Conference for Women.

She opened our eyes about the topic of networking.  I was captivated by her intelligence and humility.  Years ago, I bought her first product 102 Secrets to Smarter Networking. I still have it in my top desk drawer, and I review a few of the tips every month.

A lot of our members are looking for jobs and searching for meaning in our work.  You’ll see in the interview that we discussed lots of interesting career questions.  So let’s get to the good stuff.  If you like what you see in this interview, don’t forget to check out Liz’s book.  Mine is on order, and I can’t wait to receive it in the mail.

LISA: What is the most meaningful connection you’ve made for yourself or someone else?
LIZ: One of the most important connections I made actually came through the process of helping someone else connect. Five years ago, I was invited to speak on panel with a gentleman David Teten who was writing a book on online networking and looking for a publisher. At the time, I didn’t know any book publishers specifically, but I emailed my alumni group at Stanford Business School asking for help on David’s behalf. One of the responses I got back was from an alum Marcelino Elosua who ran a book publishing company in Spain and I passed that connection onto David. Marcelino and I didn’t know each other at all, but we started a conversation and kept in touch, and last year he encouraged me to write my first full-length book. That was the birth of Smart Networking.

LISA: How did networking help you prepare mentally and financially to take the leap from corporate America?
LIZ: I was a late bloomer to networking and didn’t think about it much until I left corporate America. Not until I was already in business and starting to reconnect with former coworkers, bosses and classmates, did I realize how strong of a network I already had. Nearly all of my consulting projects in my first two years of business came from those initial meetings—people either hiring me directly or referring me to those who could use my services. Had I known how helpful my network could be, I may have made the leap sooner! We all have powerful networks, we just have to know how to tap into them.

LISA: For someone in career transition, how can networking help you grow?
LIZ: If you think of your network as a support system that you can turn to for help, advice, ideas, and feedback, there are so many ways they can help you through any career transition. They can be a sounding board, helping you sort through your options and giving ideas for next steps. They can provide tactical help in the form of reviewing your resume or giving feedback on your elevator pitch. And they can make introductions to others who can help you advance your goals. You don’t have to go through a transition alone.

LISA: What is your favorite part about making new connections?
LIZ: Learning about what others do. There is so much creativity out there, and I’m always getting new ideas from and getting inspired by others. For example, earlier in the year I noticed several of my Facebook friends starting to create online videos with quick tips about their area of expertise. I asked what equipment they used and got set up to do my own videos about networking. But I wanted to put my own spin on things and decided to integrate my passion for travel. I created a video series called to “Passport to Networking” where I would film a networking tip tied to a different location in the world where I happen to be traveling. So I’ve spoken about tearing down walls in relationships from on top of the Great Wall of China and taking a “tapas approach” to networking from a tapas bar in Madrid. You can find that webisodes on YouTube at

LISA: You seem to have found your life’s purpose.  Can you offer some ideas for using your own network to discover passion and purpose?
LIZ: I think passion and life purpose has to bubble up from within. You have to be willing to listen to yourself and discover what you really want to do without censoring your dreams just because they may not sound doable or realistic. Once you define what you want, you can use your network to help you figure out how to get it. They can give you feedback on your business model and positioning, recommend resources to help you move forward, and help spread the word to help you get clients once you’re up and running.

Thank you Liz – your wisdom will be enjoyed and shared.  I know that many others will soon be calling you the world’s best networker!

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